Disaster Preparedness
and Risk Reduction

Embracing new and emerging technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS) helps us achieve our mission to bring timely,
effective and compassionate humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable without consideration of nationality, race, creed, gender,
social status or political belief. This site has been created by the GIS team at Philippine Red Cross and maintained by the Disaster
Management Service (DMS) team to provide access to some of the tools and resources we use to accomplish our work.



  • Implementation of Sustainable WASH Project in Cagayan De Oro River Basin

    January 25, 2018

    Total Budget: PHP 16,334,637.00
    Funding Partner: Netherlands Red Cross
    Program Links: Led by WASH (DPRR)
    Project Result: To provide a sustainable water supply to flood resettlements areas and vulnerable communities by increasing the resilience of river catchment, water distribution network and te communities themselves to heavy rainfall, flooding and power outrage events.

  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZM)

    May 11, 2018

    Total Budget: Php 30,896,930.90
    Funding Partner: NLRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: To provide a sustainable water supply to flood resettlements areas and vulnerable communities by increasing the resilience of river catchment, water distribution network and te communities themselves to heavy rainfall, flooding and power outrage events.

  • Red Ready II

    January 28, 2019

    Total Budget: 8290740 (ORIGINAL BUDGET USD 160, 000) AMENDMENT (USD 275,020)
    Funding Partner: AmCross (DMS co lead)
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Outcome 1: Established response teams at the chapter level.
    Outcome 2: Improve DM Policy.
    Outcome 3: Enhance Planning processes at NHQ and Chapter.
    Outcome 4: Increased chapter accountability at the chapter level through improved reporting.
    Outcome 5: NS is accountable for its own capacity enchancement; effectively documents and communicates its own capacity development plans and progress and fosters a culture of learning and knowledge sharing.

  • CBDRR with Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities

    June 14, 2019

    Total Budget:PHP 14,164,600.00 (CHF 267,200.00)
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:
    1. Communities improved risk awareness
    2. Communities improved disaster preparedness and response mechanism
    3. Communities capacity to recover from flood incidents
    4. Communities improved capacity to support

  • Strengthening capacity for Conflict-sensitive Preparedness in Vulnerable Communties in Mindanao (Consent DRR) Phase 2

    December 6, 2019

    Total Budget: EUR 978,364.73 (approx. PHP 53,810,060.15.00)
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:
    Result 1: Target communities have increased knowledge and awareness about natural and human induced hazards and climate change and know the developed (or existing) community action plan.
    Result 2: The communities have carried out small scale mitigation measures and/or have established small scale community early warning systems, know how to maintain them and reduced the impact of natural disasters and climate change or the impact of man-made disasters.
    Result 3: The communities have functioning community-based committees and procedures for effective Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation action in coordination with all relevant stakeholders.
    Result 4: The targeted schools have awareness, knowledge, functioning community-based structures and procedures for effective Disaster Risk Reduction, taking natural and human induced hazards in consideration.
    Result 5: The Philippine Red Cross at targeted local level has the knowledge and procedures in place (plans, protocols, training curricula) to respond to humanitarian crisis and have increased capacities in conflict-sensitive disaster preparedness approach.
    Result 6: Internal Displaced Persons in Lanao del Sur have improved access to safe water points, sanitation facilities and access to hygiene knowledge and appropriate hygiene materials.

  • Empowering the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) communities and government institutions to consolidate and implement inclusive community based disaster risk reduction in five provinces of the Philippines (EPIC DRR) Phase 3

    February 4, 2020

    Total Budget: EUR 1,416581.30 (Php 79, 210,097.75)
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Urban WASH-DRR Project (Sustainable and Resilient pro-poor Water Supply in Cebu and Lapu lapu)

  • Responding to the Needs of the Most Vulnerable population Affected by Disasters and Conflict through Emergency Relief and Cash Assistance (Philippines)

    February 27, 2020

    Total Budget: AUD 3,000,000.00 (2020- AUD 1,000,000; 2021- AUD 500,000; 2022- AUD 500,000; 2023- AUD 500,000; 2024- AUD 500,000)Amended Budget: AUD 6,100,000.00 (1) 20 March 2020 ; 1,000.000 (2) 27 March 2020; 2,000,000 (3) April 2020; 1,450,000 (4) June 2020; 1,100,000 (5) JUne 2021 550,000
    Funding Partner: Australian Embassy (DFAT)
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Procurement and provision of non-food items to replace the damaged or lost household assets and provide the basic necessities of people and families affected by crisis, such as sleeping kits, hygiene kit, water containeers, tarpaulins, shelter tool kits, health kits as well as provision of emergency Cash for relief, unconditional cash grant and relief equipping. This output will target to support an indicative number of 9,000 families (45,000 individuals0 subject to changes upon recommendationof PRc and approval of DFAT. Construction and Equipping of Port Area Molecular Laboratory.

  • Typhoon Rolly Emergency and Early Recvery Operations

    June 14, 2019

    Total Budget:PHP 14,164,600.00 (CHF 267,200.00)
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:
    1. Communities improved risk awareness
    2. Communities improved disaster preparedness and response mechanism
    3. Communities capacity to recover from flood incidents
    4. Communities improved capacity to support"

  • Typhoon Rolly Emergency and Early Recovery Operations

    November 12, 2020

    Total Budget: CHF 750,000 (Initial Response)
    Funding Partner: IFRC (Emergency Appeal)
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result:
    1. Communities improved risk awareness
    2. Communities improved disaster preparedness and response mechanism
    3. Communities capacity to recover from flood incidents
    4. Communities improved capacity to support"

  • Philippine Red Cross support to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and foster the public health and socio economic development in BARMM (PD-BARMM)

    January 14, 2021

    Total Budget: Php 116,500,000 (direct cost) Contigency budget (8,000 EURO) inderect cost at the respective project agreements with SRC and GRC
    Funding Partner: SRC/ GRC European Commission (back donor)
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:
    Outcome 1: Health/ COVID19: Support the health system to contain the pandemic and improve access of vulnerable people through prevention, surveillance and efficient referral mechanisms (in collaboration with GRC).
    Outcome 2: Livelihoods: Mitigate the socioeconomic impact of the pandemic and prevent impacts on the livelihoodsnofthe most vulnerable people (in collaboration with SRC).
    Outcome 3: Participation: Improve the social cohesion and resilence in BARMM through inclusive community-based strategies (in collaboartion with SRC)

  • Greening Red Cross and Red Crescent Disaster Risk Reduction: Saving Lives through Working with Nature-based Soluntions into DRR approaches at global, regional, national and community levels. (Greening DRR)

    July 6, 2021

    Total Budget: USD 271, 839 (approximately PHP 13,000,000.00)
    Funding Partner: AmCross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:
    Objective 1: To enable communities and National Societies to design and implement DRR projects incorporating nature-based solutions in diverse settings.
    Objective 2: To develop new and revise existing Ecosystem based Disaster Risk Reduction tools and guidelines based on the real time learning from the project implementation.
    Objective 3: To promote Nature-based Solutions and disseminate lessons learned within and beyond the Red Cross Red Crescent network aimed at improving stakeholder capacity at the community, national, regional, and global levels.

  • National Society Development

    7/28/2020 DMS Memo: 2020-09-16 October 8, 2020;

    Total Budget: USD 1,031,368 (Php 51,568,385) DMS Budget: 2,869,200.00
    Funding Partner: Amcross
    Program Links: Led by PMER Component: DMS (DRCS)
    Project Result: "Development of Emergency Needs Assessment. Writeshop for ENA Guideline-4.Conduct of Assessment Training- 5 batches

  • Floods and Typhoon Ulysses Emergency Response in Provinces of Cagayan and Isabela

    February 9, 2021 DMS Memo: 2021-01-04

    Total Budget: Php 12,150,008.00 (CHF 233,654.00)
    Funding Partner: IFRC (Emergency Appeal)
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result: "Cash Assistance: 1500 (Cagayan-1000; Isabela-500) NFI (Full Set)- 500 families- Cagayan

  • Forecast-based Financing in the Philippines - Closing the Gap between Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Relief (FbF) Phase 2

    July 31, 2020 DMS MEMO #2020-07-22

    Total Budget: EUR 591,843.50 (PHP 32, 500,000.00)
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Contribute to the reduction of humanitarian consequences of extreme weather events on the affected population in high risk areas

  • Community Readiness In Bicol (CRIB) 2

    Jan 15, 2021

    Total Budget: PHP 37,988,463.12 / USD 744, 871.33
    Funding Partner: AmCross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Food and Cash Based Humanitarian Assisatnce to Families Affected by the Enhanced Community Quarantine due to COVID-19

    June 22, 2020

    Total Budget: PHP 70,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC (BMZ)
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: The primary objective is to support families whom have been affected by the national state of calamity for the COVID-19 Enhanced Quarantine situation to meet their immediate needs through the provision of multi-purpose cash grants, taking good practice to scale in a coordinated Movement response channeled through a strongly anchored local partners


    March 30, 2020

    Total Budget:USD 3,046,059.00 or PHP 196, 178,478.00
    Funding Partner: AmCross
    Program Links: Led by ChapDev. DPRR"
    Project Result:"OBJECTIVE 1: Strengthened and sustained resilience in targeted communities and schools.Outcome 1.1: Communities and schools knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to prepare for and respond to disasters.Outcome 1.2: Communities and schools knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to prepare for and respond to disasters. Outcome1.3: Communities have small-scale structural measures that effectively mitigate disaster risk. Outcome 1.4: Vulnerable groups (family) in the Communities have access to cash support to mitigate the COVID 19 impact. OBJECTIVE 2: 9 PRC Chapter staff and volunteers are well trained, managed, organized, and engaged. Outcome 2.1: Red Cross Youth are well managed, organized and engaged. Outcome 2.2: RC143 are well trained, managed, organized and engaged. Outcome 2.3: RCAT are well managed, organized and engaged. OBJECTIVE 3: 9 PRC Chapters are able to deliver effective and efficient services to the most vulnerable 9 PRC Chapters have improved ability to reach entire territorial jurisdiction. Outcome 3.2: 9 PRC Chapters has well-managed and effective human resources. Outcome 3.3: 9 PRC Chapters has tools and systems to enable financial accountability and increased resource mobilization

  • Strengthening Resilience and Gender Equality

    Feb 23, 2021

    Total Budget: PHP 9,613,600.00
    Funding Partner: SRC
    Program Links: (Lead:WELFARE) DPRR
    Project Result: Overall Goal: To promote resilience and gender equality of indigenous communities in Mindanao. Outcome (Specific objective): To strengthen the livelihoods and disaster preparedness of women and indigenous peoples. Results (Outputs):R1. Improved public local capacities, built through harmonized risk management plans R2. Enhanced the technical capacity and set a local preparedness and response system R3. Strengthened the livelihood of women and indigenous peoples through climate change adaptation and disaster prevention and preparedness strategies

  • TY Agaton Operations

    Aug 11, 2021

    Total Budget: Php 11,000,000
    Funding Partner: IFRC (DREF)
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: 1. Communities improved risk awareness 2. Communities improved disaster preparedness and response mechanism 3. Communities capacity to recover from flood incidents 4. Communities improved capacity to support

  • TY ODETTE (RAI) Operations

    Aug 11, 2021

    Total Budget: Php 11,000,000
    Funding Partner: Spanish Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result:

  • TY ODETTE (RAI) Operations

    Oct 29, 2019

    Total Budget: Php 11,000,000
    Funding Partner: NLRC
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result:

  • TY ODETTE (RAI) Operations

    Jan 31, 2020

    Total Budget: Php 11,000,000
    Funding Partner: American Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result:

  • TY ODETTE (RAI) Operations

    Sep 7, 2021

    Total Budget: Php 11,000,000
    Funding Partner:Canadian Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • TY ODETTE (RAI) Operations

    Aug 11, 2021

    Total Budget: 565,602 Euro (excluding GRC PMC + Delegate costs).
    Funding Partner: CGRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: NFI- 1500 fam Read and Play Kits- 1000 Children Hotmeals- 2 chapters MPCG- 2 ChaptersRBM- 1 training

  • TY ODETTE (RAI) Operations

    May 16, 2019

    Total Budget: Php 260,000,000
    Funding Partner: IFRC Appeals
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result: NFI- 1500 fam Read and Play Kits- 1000 Children Hotmeals- 2 chapters MPCG- 2 ChaptersRBM- 1 training

  • Zambales Relocation Project

    Sep 7, 2021

    Total Budget: Php 260,000,000
    Funding Partner: PHP1.2M of LGU ??? of PRC /(6,158,808.00 Hongkong Red Cross)"
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: NFI- 1500 fam Read and Play Kits- 1000 Children Hotmeals- 2 chapters MPCG- 2 ChaptersRBM- 1 training


  • Integrated Community Disaster Preparedness Program ICDPP in 2 municipalities in Palawan, Philippines

    Jan 2008 - Dec 2012

    Total Budget: EUR 167,500
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: Disaster Preparedness
    Project Result: Formation of BDAT Construction of 10 Evacuation / Multi-purpose Centers

  • Integrated Community Disaster Preparedness Program ICDPP in 2 municipalities in Palawan, Philippines

    March 2008 - April 2009

    Total Budget: EUR 300,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross, MOFA
    Program Links: Disaster Preparedness
    Project Result: DRR-CCA in Barangays and Schools

  • Integrated Community Disaster Preparedness Program ICDPP in 3 municipalities in Palawan, Philippines

    September 2008 - December 2009

    Total Budget: EUR 375,500
    Funding Partner: ECHO - German RC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: 1To enable local communities and institutions in the Philippines to better prepare for, mitigate and respond adequately to natural disasters

  • Emergency Assistance for families affected by Typhoons Ketsana-Parma in Metro Manila, Philippines

    September 2009 - May 2010

    Total Budget: EUR 300,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency / Response: Relief, WASH NFI for 5,500 families WASH and HP

  • Emergency Assistance for families affected by Typhoon Ketsana in Metro Manila, Philippines

    September 2009 - December 2009

    Total Budget: Eur 177,178
    Funding Partner: DRCS
    Program Links: German Red Cross, MOFA
    Project Result: Emergency / Response: Relief, WASHNFI for 2,500 families WASH and HP

  • Emergency Assistance to people affected by Typhoons Ketsana-Parma in Metro Manila, Philippines

    October 2009 - March 2010

    Total Budget: EUR 186,940
    Funding Partner: ECHO - IFRC, German RC, Spanish RC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency/Response: Relief, WASHNFI (tarpaulins, hygiene kits, cleaning kits) distribution HP

  • Recovery assistance to people affected by Typhoon Parma in Philippines

    October 2009 - July 2010

    Total Budget: EUR 178,700
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Shelter for 100 families

  • Disaster Management Capacity Building

    January 2010 - June 2012

    Total Budget: EUR 150,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Capacity Building in DM activities (trainings in DM, ERU, SAR, WatSan; equipage; production of manuals / SOPs; development of IEC materials; support during operations, deployment, etc.) and other PRC services (Logistics, NAV, etc.)

  • Antipolo Transitional Shelter Project

    January 2010 - December 2011

    Total Budget:
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DMS
    Project Result: N1100 Unit of transitional Shelter; 17 waterpoints; construction of latrine and 2 waterholes in 6 schools ; (1534 SRK in Rizal hapter areas)

  • Integrated Community Disaster Preparedness Program ICDPP in 4 provinces of Philippines

    May 2010 - December 2011

    Total Budget: EUR 410,000
    Funding Partner: ECHO - Spanish Red Cross, German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: To increase resilience to and reduce vulnerability from natural disasters in local communities and institutions

  • Community-based Disaster Risk Management Project in Ketsana affected areas

    July 2010 - September 2011

    Total Budget:
    Funding Partner: Australian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Recovery Assistance to vulnerable people including indigenous communities affected by Typhoons Ketsana-Parma in the Philippines

    September 2010 - June 2011

    Total Budget:EUR 390,000
    Funding Partner: ECHO - Spanish Red Cross, German Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Emergency/Early Recovery: Shelter, Rehab, WASH, Livelihood

  • Disaster Preparedness in Schools in Pangasinan, La Union, Benguet

    September 2010 - June 2012

    Total Budget: EUR 100,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Increased resilience and reduce vulnerability in targeted schools through support to strategies that enable them to better prepare for, mitigate and respond adequately to natural disasters

  • Proyectos Comprehensive program for natural disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness in Philippine communities and institutions

    October 2010 - February 2012

    Total Budget: PRoyectos: 300,000 euro (P16,500,000.00)
    Funding Partner: Spanish Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Strengthen community and local institutions to improve their prevention and management mechanism to natural disasters in the Bicol region

  • Emergency Assistance to people by Typhoon Megi in the Philippines

    December 2010 - June 2011

    Total Budget: EUR 570,120
    Funding Partner: ECHO - Spanish Red Cross, German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief, Shelter, Rehab Shelter Repair Kit (Type I) Core Shelter (Type II) NFI

  • Partners for Resilience 1

    January 2011 - December 2015

    Total Budget: Php 65,501,748.00
    Funding Partner: Netherlands Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Impact of natural hazards on livelihoods of vulnerable communities is reduced.Strategic outcome 1: Developing Community Resilience Direct Poverty Alleviation Communities Strategic Outcome 2: Strenghtening Civil Society/ies Strategic 3: Policy Dialogue

  • Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management

    April 2011 - April 2013

    Total Budget: PHP7,200,000
    Funding Partner: Finnish Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: To increase safety and resilience of targeted communities to disasters

  • Strengthening the Disaster Response Capacity of the PRC (Stockpiling Grant 59675)

    June 2011 - December 2012

    Total Budget:
    Funding Partner: Australian AID
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Urban Disaster Risk Reduction in Marikina City – Pilot project

    July 2011 - December 2011

    Total Budget: P3,252,321.00
    Funding Partner: Norwegian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Communities are able to effectively prepare, respond and recover from disaster.

  • Strengthening the Disaster Response Capacity of the PRC (Replenishing Grant 61127)

    October 2011 - May 2012

    Total Budget: PRoyectos: 300,000 euro (P16,500,000.00)
    Funding Partner: Australian AID
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Emergency assistance to people severely affected by Tropical Storm Washi in Mindanao region in the Philippines

    December 2011 - April 2012

    Total Budget: EUR 366,600
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross, MOFA
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief, WASh NFI for 4,000 families Student Hygiene Kits for 6,000 students Shelter Repair Toolkits for 600 HH

  • Emergency and Assistance to people by Typhoons Nesat-Nalgae in northern provinces of the Philippines

    December 2011 - May 2012

    Total Budget: EUR 700,000
    Funding Partner: ECHO - Spanish Red Cross, German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief, WASH, DRR WASH (PHAST)NFI Distribution Rehab DRR

  • Humanitarian Aid to people affected by Tropical Storm Washi in Mindanao, Philippines

    December 2011 - May 2012

    Total Budget: EUR 1,025,835
    Funding Partner: ECHO - IFRC, German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief, WASH Fi for 11,500 families Hygiene Kits for 5,000 families

  • Humanitarian Intervention for Effects of Tropical Storm Washi – Sendong Grant No. 61127

    December 2011 - December 2012

    Total Budget: AUD 800,000
    Funding Partner: Australian AID
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Red Cross Action Team (RCAT) 143 Project for 10 Chapters

    January 2012 - December 2012

    Total Budget: PRoyectos: 300,000 euro (P16,500,000.00)
    Funding Partner: ICRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Strengthen community and local institutions to improve their prevention and management mechanism to natural disasters in the Bicol region

  • Emergency-Recovery assistance to people affected by Tropical Storm Washi in Mindanao region in the Philippines

    February 2012 - October 2012

    Total Budget: EUR 142,657
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency/Early Recovery: Relief, WASH NFI for 2,000 families WASH and HP

  • Building healthier communities through community-based health and Disaster Risk Management

    February 2012 - December 2014

    Total Budget: Php 11,800,344
    Funding Partner: Australian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Communities have improved capacity to manage health and natural disaster risks

  • Emergency and Early Recovery Assistance to people affected by Tropical Storm Washi in the Philippines

    May 2012 - March 2013

    Total Budget: EUR 920,000
    Funding Partner: ECHO - Spanish Red Cross, German Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Contribute to cover the unmet basic humanitarian needs of storm-affected communities by TS Washi Result 1: WASH – water distribution Result 2: Access to clean water supply restored Result 3: Sanitation facilities and hygiene practices improved – debris cleaning, Cash for Work, PHAST

  • Building the Resilience and Awareness of Metro Manila Communities to Natural Disaster and Climate Change Impacts (BRACE)

    June 2012- March 2016

    Total Budget: Php 30,092,200.00
    Funding Partner: Australian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Sub-Component 2.1: Strengthening Institutional Mechanism on CBDRM Sub-Component 2.2: Capacity Building Sub-Component 2.3: Disaster MitigationSub-Component 2.4: Project Management

  • Disaster risk reduction in 20 schools in Pangasinan and La Union provinces

    July 2012 - December 2013

    Total Budget: EUR 50,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: "R.1. Selected teachers and students able to impart general knowledge on hazard awareness, climate change and DRR at schools, and to render basic first aid, mobilizing school students and parents in extra-curricular DRR-related activities R.2. Existing local DM structures reinforced at school and barangay level, strengthening coordination and cooperation between communities, LGU and PRC chapters"

  • Humanitarian Assistance to people affected by Monsoon Floods in the Philippines

    August 2012 - November 2012

    Total Budget: EUR 2,552,000
    Funding Partner: ECHO - IFRC, German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Strengthen community and local institutions to improve their prevention and management mechanism to natural disasters in the Bicol region

  • Humanitarian Aid to people affected by Typhoon BOPHA in the Philippines

    December 2012 - March 2013

    Total Budget: EUR 950,459
    Funding Partner: ECHO - IFRC, German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief, WASH, HP, Shelter

  • Humanitarian Assistance to people affected by Typhoon BOPHA in the Philippines

    December 2012 - March 2013

    Total Budget: EUR 200,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross, MOFA
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief, Cash for Work, WASH, Shelter RepairFI for 3,000 families Kitchen Sets for 2,000 families Shelter Repair Kits for 1,000 families Cash for Work

  • Strengthening PRC Response Capacities on Water Search and Rescue - WASAR

    December 2012 - December 2013

    Total Budget: EUR 60,282
    Funding Partner: Spanish Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Capacity Building (WASAR / DRR)WASAR (Training, equipping, community mobilization including drills)

  • Red Cross Action Team (RCAT) 143 Project for 12 Chapters

    January 2013 - December 2013

    Total Budget:
    Funding Partner: ICRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Early recovery assistance to populations affected by Typhoon BOPHA in the Philippines

    April 2013 - January 2014

    Total Budget: EUR 1,500,000
    Funding Partner: ECHO - IFRC, German RC, Spanish RC
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Early Recovery: Shelter, Livelihood

  • Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Project in Aklan and Caloocan City

    April 2013 - March 2016

    Total Budget: CBDRR 664’136.37 EUR (36’257’988 PHP)
    Funding Partner: Finnish Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1: Red Cross 143 established in target Barangays, trained and able to mobilize communities in DRR activities, develop Barangay Disaster Actions Plan (BDAP) and sustainable small-scale mitigation measures Result 2: School-based disaster risk reduction: Increased knowledge on hazards, climate change and DRR Result 3: Strengthened organizational preparedness of PRC Chapter level with links to Municipal and Provincial levels; Strengthened coordination and cooperation among the stakeholders in DM. Result 4: Capacity building of NHQ, Aklan and Caloocan Chapters of PRC for Project and Financial Management

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction - Haiyan Recovery

    September 2014 - February 2016

    Total Budget: EUR 1,500,000
    Funding Partner: ECHO - IFRC, German RC, Spanish RC
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Early Recovery: Shelter, Livelihood

  • Emergency Response to People Affected by the Tropical Storm Trami in Luzon

    September 2013 - February 2014

    Total Budget: EUR 73,333
    Funding Partner:German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief, Cash for Work, WASH NFI and WASH for 1,500 families

  • Emergency Assistance to People Affected by the Earthquake in Bohol in the Visayas Region

    November 2013 - February 2014

    Total Budget: EUR 250,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross, MOFA
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief, WASH, Cash for Work, and Shelter NFI (sleeping kits, mosquito nets, jerry cans, hygiene kits) for 2,000 families WASH and HP for 2,000 families Emergency Shelter for 1,000 families

  • Emergency Assistance to People Affected by Typhoon Haiyan in Visayas Region

    November 2013 - August 2014

    Total Budget: EUR 500,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross, MOFA
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief NFI (Hygiene Kits, Kitchen Sets, Blankets, Mosquito Nets, Jerry Cans, Plastic mats) for 10,000 families NFI (Hygiene Kits and Kitchen Sets) for 2,000 families

  • Emergency Assistance to People Severely Affected by Typhoon Haiyan in Visayas Region

    November 2013 - August 2014

    Total Budget: EUR 149,912
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: WASH WASH (water tankering / distribution, HP)

  • Emergency Cash Grants to families affected by Typhoon Haiyan

    June 2014 - December 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 340,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: Relief Unconditional Cash Grants to 7,541 families

  • Supporting PRC Relief / Recovery Logistics Capacities and Equipment for Haiyan Operation

    January 2014 - April 2014

    Total Budget: EUR 560,000
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Provision of water tanks, trucks, forklifts, chainsaws for PRC NHQ and Chapters

  • Support to PRC-GRC Haiyan Relief and Early Recovery in Leyte

    January 2014 - April 2014

    Total Budget: EUR 523,746
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross, MOFA
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Emergency: ReliefNFI for 5,000 families Unconditional Cash Grants for 2,500 families

  • Red Cross Action Team (RCAT) 143 Project for 12 Chapters

    January 2014 - December 2014

    Total Budget:
    Funding Partner: ICRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Community and School Disaster Risk Reduction Management (BMZ)

    January 2014 - December 2016

    Total Budget: EUR 600,000.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Empowering Communities and Local Government Units in Implementing Inclusive Development Programs in the Philippines

    March 2014 - April 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 1,200,000.00
    Funding Partner: Europe AID - Finnish RC, German RC, Netherlands RC and Spanish RC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction in Antique - Haiyan Recovery

    May 2014 - July 2016

    Total Budget: EUR 1,200,000.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction in Capiz (SwRC) - Haiyan Recovery

    May 2014 - February 2016

    Total Budget: EUR 1,200,000.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Proud of My Purok (POMP)

    June 2014 - May 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 476,438
    Funding Partner: Netherlands Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1: Puroks are better able to anticipate the risks they face by building on existing capacities Result 2: Puroks are better able to respond when disaster strikes while maintaining basic structures and functions. Result 3: Puroks are better able to adapt to changing risks, and to a changing location situationisting capacities Result 4: Puroks and relevant government bodies are better able to transform themselves to address underlying factors and root causes of risk and be active partners for governments in implementing DRR, CCA and EMR

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction - Haiyan Recovery

    June 2014 - September 2016

    Total Budget: EUR 476,438
    Funding Partner: British Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Output 2.1: Community members in target communities trained in disaster preparedness and risk reduction.Output 2.2: Community-led DRR projects have been supported through community based grants Output 2.3: Priority community infrastructure damaged by Typhoon Haiyan has been repaired or reconstructed. Output 2.4: Students and teachers in target schools have improved knowledge and understanding of how to prepare, respond and cope with common disasters and risks

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction - Haiyan Recovery

    June 2014 - January 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 476,438
    Funding Partner: American Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Objective 1: To increase PRC capacity in community-based recovery and preparedness to enhance community resilience Objective 2: To increase communities' capacity to adopt resilient practices Objective 3: To increase household and community access to safer and more sustainable infrastructure and resources

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction - Haiyan Recovery

    September 2014 - February 2016

    Total Budget: EUR 476,438
    Funding Partner: French Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1 (R1): Following the national framework on action in DRR , PRC supports the development ofLGUscapacities in DM through strengthened partnership. Result 2 (R2):143 PRC teams support increased knowledge on multi-hazard in targeted vulnerable barangays, schools and local authorities and decreased exposure to risks. Result 3 (R3): PRC’s capacities in DRRM are improved. Result 4 (R4): At least threecommunity managed projects are better able to provide services to their members Result 5 (R5): The population of at least2 municipalities better manages and preserves natural resources

  • Urban Disaster Risk Reduction Project

    October 2014 - March 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 237,396.33
    Funding Partner: Norwegian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1: RC 143 in Community Result 2: RC 143 in School Result 3: Local Disaster Management Structures; LGU's and PRC Result 4: PRC Project Management & Capacity Building

  • Supporting PRC Emergency Response (Typhoon Ruby) within Recovery Support to Typhoon Haiyan Affected Families

    December 2016 -October 2018

    Total Budget: AUD 189,704 (P7,588,160.00)
    Funding Partner: Australian Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Shelter Repair Assistance 600 HH

  • Tindog Tabang Leyteno Project (Carry-over from Haiyan)

    December 2014 - June 2018

    Total Budget: PHP 17,874,833.50
    Funding Partner: Australian Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Shelter Repair Assistance 600 HH

  • Red Cross Action Team (RCAT) 143 Project for 3 Chapters

    2014 - 2015

    Total Budget: PHP 17,874,833.50
    Funding Partner: Canadian Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Response capacity and equipping of 3 chapters

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction - Haiyan Recovery

    January 2015 - December 2016

    Total Budget: PHP 3,200,000.00
    Funding Partner: Canadian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1: Capacity of communities to prepare for and respond to disasters is strengthened Result 2: Risks related to water-borne diseases and disaster impact on schools are reduced

  • Supporting Early Recovery Response to Typhoon Ruby affected households

    February 2015 - May 2015

    Total Budget: PHP 3,200,000.00
    Funding Partner: Canadian Red Cross
    Program Links: ICRC
    Project Result: Shelter Repair Assistance 1000

  • Hazards App

    March 2015 - September 2016

    Total Budget: 704,000
    Funding Partner: American Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Shelter Repair Assistance 1000

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction in Cebu - Haiyan Recovery

    April 2015 - June 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 123,200.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Local communities and schools in the target areas are capacitated to apply, replicate and disseminate DRR policies and practices supported by PRC Chapter, LGUs and other partners replicate and disseminate DRR policies and practices supported by PRC Chapter, LGUs and other partners

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction in Leyte - Haiyan Recovery

    April 2015 - September 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 285,000.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Local communities and schools in the target areas are capacitated to apply, replicate and disseminate DRR policies and practices supported by PRC Chapter, LGUs and other partners

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction in Capiz - Haiyan Recovery

    April 2015 - December 2016

    Total Budget: EUR 43,755.90
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:Result 5: Local communities and schools in the target areas are capacitated to apply, replicate and disseminate DRR policies and practices supported by PRC Chapter, LGUs and other partners

  • Building Healthier, Safer, and Resilient Communities in Masbate (Healthy and Safe Living Project)

    May 2015 - February 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 311,737.76
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: R1 : Improved health and hygienic practices and knowledge in 2 prone municipalities in Masbate Province R2 : Improved capacities in disaster risk reduction in 6 disaster prone municipalities in Masbate, Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte Provinces. R3. Strengthened the coordination between the community, LGU and PRC-Offices in terms of health and disaster management.

  • Samar Ruby Recovery

    June 2015 - December 2015

    Total Budget: USD 80,850
    Funding Partner: American Red Cross
    Program Links: DRECS
    Project Result:

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction - Haiyan Recovery

    August 2015 - December 2016

    Total Budget:PHP 13,458,105.48
    Funding Partner: Netherlands Red Cross
    Program Links: DRECS
    Project Result: community strengthened to respond to future disasters

  • Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Project

    Septemver 2015 - May 2018

    Total Budget:PHP 24,368,400.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Outcome 1: Increased community awareness on hazard and risk exposure through participatory tools. Outcome 2: Community and RC143 volunteers are capacitated to implement disaster preparedness activities that enables response in times of emergency.Outcome 3: Early warning system are developed/improved and operationalized in the community. Outcome 4: Perceived reduction of identified hazard risk after implementation of recommended mitigation measures

  • Building Healthy and Resilient Schools

    November 2015 - June 2018

    Total Budget: AUD 549,666.31
    Funding Partner: Australian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: OUTCOME 1: School children have improved hygiene practices. OUTCOME 2: Increased capacity of parents, students and school personnel to manage WASH programs using participatory approaches. OUTCOME 3: School personnel, students, parents are able to respond and mitigate the impact of disasters.

  • Unconditional Cash Grant for Typhoon Lando Affected families

    December 2015 - February 2016

    Total Budget: Php 5,743,000
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: UCG 300

  • Red Cross Action Team (RCAT) 143 Project for 16 Chapters

    December 2015 - June 2017

    Total Budget: CHF 349,248 Php 9,923,649.2
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Red Cross Action Team (RCAT) 143 Project for 12 Chapters

    December 2015 - June 2017

    Total Budget: PHP 4,771,664.20
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Typhoon Nona Response and Recovery Assistance: Emergency Appeal

    December 2015 - November 2016

    Total Budget: CHF 171,699
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result:

  • Improving the Economic and Social Development Conditions of Most Vulnerable Populations to Natural Disasters in masbate, Philippines

    2015 - April 2016

    Total Budget: Php 2,186,460.00
    Funding Partner: Spanish Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1: Increased knowledge and technical skills in "" construction and improvement of safe houses and latrines in the municipality of Monreal to diversify livelihoods. Result 2: Disaster vulnerability reduction has been promoted in Monreal municipality.

  • CBHDRR Aklan

    January 2016 - March 2019

    Total Budget: EUR 925,788.34
    Funding Partner: Spanish Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: R1 - Improved access to basic health care services and the community improved their knowledge and practices related to common health problems. R2 - Improve hygienic and sanitation practices in the community and school level. R3 - Improve the system of preparedness, response and mitigation of the vulnerable communities to imminent natural disasters. R4 - Strengthen the capacity an sustainability of the Chapter, partners and keyplayers in basic health care and disaster management.

  • Disaster Law Program

    January 2016 - May 2018

    Total Budget: CHF 91,064.45 Php 5,200, 200.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: OUTCOME 1: Invest in and enhance PRC capacity to undertake legislative advocacy OUTCOME 2: Influence and support implementation of Philippine laws and policies that reduce human vulnerability to disasters and improve humanitarian assistance through expert technical advice OUTCOME 3. Strengthen PRC partnerships with IGOs, academic fora and key partners on legislative advocacy to promote disaster law OUTCOME 4. Produce high quality research that informs PRC legislative advocacy

  • Community Disaster Risk Reduction - Haiyan Recovery // Sustainable Programming

    January 2016 - May 2018

    Total Budget: PHP 4,560,000.00 // AUD 137,549"
    Funding Partner: Australian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Objective 5: 19 typhoon affected communities are better prepared to respond to disasters; 2 PRC chapters and 4 municipal local government units in Leyte and Samar provinces have enhanced partnerships to support community-based health and disaster risk reduction activities.

  • Replenishment of Pre-positioned Emergency Relief Non-Food Items

    April 2016 - December 2018

    Total Budget: AUD 2,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: AusAID
    Program Links:
    Project Result:

  • Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Manila

    May 2016 - January 2019

    Total Budget: PHP 6,647,758.20
    Funding Partner: Norwegian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Outcome 1: Increased community awareness on hazard and risk exposure through participatory tools. Outcome 2: Community and RC143 volunteers are capacitated to implement disaster preparedness activities that enables response in times of emergencyOutcome 3: Early warning system are developed/improved and operationalized in the community. Outcome 4: Perceived reduction of identified hazard risk after implementation of recommended mitigation measure

  • Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Eastern Samar

    May 2016 - January 2019

    Total Budget: PHP 14,502,602,00
    Funding Partner: Norwegian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Outcome 1: Increased community awareness on hazard and risk exposure through participatory tools. Outcome 2: Community and RC143 volunteers are capacitated to implement disaster preparedness activities that enables response in times of emergency. Outcome 3: Early warning system are developed/improved and operationalized in the community. Outcome 4: Perceived reduction of identified hazard risk after implementation of recommended mitigation measures

  • Workplace Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Program

    May 2016 - May 2018

    Total Budget: PHP 8,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: Philip Morris Fortune and Tobacco Corporation
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Output 1: Fully equipped and trained RC143 volunteers, with forty four (44) personnel in fourteen (14) sites Output 2: One (1) set of the basic personal equipment for RC143 volunteers procured and operational for the fourteen (14) identified PMFTC offices. Output 3: Eighty eight (88) employee-members of the PMFTC RC143 volunteers trained on proper procedural operation on Water Search and Rescue (WASAR) and collapsed structure SAR and equipped with appropriate SAR equipment. Output 4: Review contingency/business continuity plans reviewed and in place for the identified locations herein. Output 5: Fourteen (14) simulation exercises/drills conducted annually in all the identified 14 areas. Output 6: Over 5,000 employees located in various offices and facilities nationwide will be given half-day orientations on disaster preparedness. Output 7: Adequate blood supply be made available to PMFTC upon request following PRC standard procedures and protocols. 400 units of blood will be waived of blood processing fee. Beyond that, blood units will be subject to corresponding blood processing fee to be charged against the personal accounts of PMFTC employees.

  • Typhoon Nona Recovery Assistance on Livelihoods in Northern Samar

    May 2016 - September 2016

    Total Budget: Php 9,300,000.00
    Funding Partner: ICRC
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: To provide support and resources in the form of multi-purpose cash to HH and local association to livelihood projects to improve HH income of food consumption. To enable affected communities to deal and recover from the effects of Typhoon Nona

  • Typhoon Nona Recovery Assistance on Shelter and Livelihood Program in Northern Samar and Sorsogon

    May 2016 - September 2016

    Total Budget: Php 9,300,000.00
    Funding Partner: ECHO - German RC, IFRC, Spanish RC, Norwegian RC
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • Building Urban Resilience in Southeast Asia

    June 2016 - November 2017

    Total Budget:EUR 242,934
    Funding Partner: ECHO - German RC, Spanish RC, Finnish RC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: R1 - Children and youth are more resilient to disasters and have a safe and secure learning environment in 8 urban public schools in The Philippines, through improved Red Cross contributions to the ASEAN Safe School Initiative (ASSI)R2 - Innovative PAPE for disaster risk reduction, targeting specific vulnerable groups brings about positive, safer behaviour, improved preparedness and social change in 4 urban barangays in Quezon City.R3 - Increased capacity of local government authorities and Red Cross for disaster preparedness and response in 4 barangays in Quezon City, The Philippines. R4 - Project stakeholders in Southeast Asian countries, improve urban disaster risk management, informed by regional cross-learning and sharing events and peer to peer support (implemented by IFRC BKK)

  • Disaster Management Learning Partnership Project

    June 2016 - December 2020

    Total Budget: EUR 95,239 / PHP 4,761,950.00
    Funding Partner: Finnish Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Urban WASH-DRR Project (Sustainable and Resilient pro-poor Water Supply in Cebu)

    June 2016 - December 2018

    Total Budget: EUR 600,000 (over all)
    Funding Partner: Netherlands Red Cross (DMS co-lead)
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 7: Increased water resilience of communities by improved access to drinking water, improved health and improved response to future disasters

  • Strengthening Urban and Rural Disaster Risk Reduction Capacities and Mechanisms in the Province of Capiz, Philippines

    August 2016 - April 2019

    Total Budget: EUR 750,000.00
    Funding Partner:German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1: The communities, PRC chapter and local government authorities have improved their knowledge and skills with regard to DRECR. Result 2: Networks of communities and relevant stakeholders for inclusive DRECR/DRECM are strengthened. Result 3: Traditional and innovative methods to reduce risks in the communities are identified and implemented.

  • PASSA Youth

    August 2016 - December 2016

    Total Budget: CHF 20,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Ormoc Recovery Phase II [Community Disaster Risk Reduction - Haiyan Recovery

    August 2016 - December 2017

    Total Budget: PHP 2,948,880.00
    Funding Partner: Swiss Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1: Targeted barangays have reduced their disaster risk and improved their preparedness. Result 2: PRC Ormoc Chapter has improved capacity to respond to disasters and support disaster preparedness at Barangay and Ormoc City levels.

  • Typhoon Ferdie Emergency Response

    September 2016 - December 2016

    Total Budget: Php 9,300,000.00
    Funding Partner:
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Typhoon Ferdie Recovery Assistance on Shelter in Batanes

    November 2016 - April 2017

    Total Budget: PHP 13,109,066.00
    Funding Partner:ECHO - Spanish Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: RESULT 1- Shelter Conditions for affected families have improved through the emergency helter support (702 families) RESULT 2- Families from the most vulnerable and affected families by the typhoon in Batanes have the access to basic income through a short term opportunities linked to shelter solutions.

  • CBDRR and Capacity Building Project in Biri

    November 2016 - April 2017

    Total Budget: PHP 1,248,200.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Red Cross 143 Launching (Orientation of PRC programs) and RC 143 TOF, Community RC 143 orientation, Emergency First Aid, Community DRRM, and Hygiene Promotion Activities

  • Typhoon Lawin Early Recovery Assistance

    December 2016 - May 2017

    Total Budget: Php 9,300,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • Typhoon Nina Response Operations

    December 2016 - 2017

    Total Budget: Php 9,300,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • CBDRR and Capacity Building Project in Sorsogon

    January 2017 - June 2017

    Total Budget:PHP 2,142,350.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Red Cross 143 Launching (Orientation of PRC programs) and RC 143 TOF, Community RC 143 orientation, Emergency First Aid, Community DRRM, and Hygiene Promotion Activities

  • Empowering the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) communities and government institutions to consolidate and implement inclusive community based disaster risk reduction in five provinces of the Philippines (EPIC DRR) Phase 2

    January 2017 - July 2020

    Total Budget: EUR 960,000.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: R1 - Provinces, Municipalities and Barangays together with the PRC have incorporated the knowledge base provided by VCAs and CRAs in their DRECRMPs, have identified measures in the DRECR domains mitigation, prevention, and preparedness for response and have accomplished the implementation of complementary measures within each of the respective DRECRM domains. R2 - Based on practical experiences working with schools on implementing DRECR related extra-curricular activities in Phase 1 and Phase 2 a mainstreaming concept has been developed and tested how to systematically integrate DRECR into primary and secondary school education and facility management. R3 - Enable PRC to guide a standardized high quality implementation of its DRECR activities in fulfilling PRCs mandate in the national DRECM system. R4 - At chapter and at national level, the PRC staff's skills and knowledge required for the implementation of its DRECR activities and as competent partner of the government are strengthened and updated

  • Typhoon Nina Recovery Program in Baras, Catanduanes

    February 2017 - June 2017

    Total Budget:PHP 4,602,576.00
    Funding Partner: American Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • Typhoon Lawin Recovery Program in Enrile, Cagayan

    February 2017 - September 2017

    Total Budget: EUR 600,000 (over all)
    Funding Partner: Swiss Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • VCA Digitalization Project

    March 2017 - February 2019

    Total Budget: PHP 12,093,858.00
    Funding Partner: Norwegian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Outcome 1: VCA Geoportal software design are established and improved through workshops and consultation Outcome 2: PRC are knowledgeable of and capacitated to usethe VCA Geoportal. Outcome 3: Assessment information digitalized using VCA Geoportal

  • Partners for Resilience 2

    March 2017 - March 2021

    Total Budget: PHP 27,802,337.14 / EUR 494,330.41
    Funding Partner: Netherlands Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: TRAJECTORY 1: Harmonize the principal implementing rules and regulations and other relevant policy instruments on disaster risk reduction management, climate change and environmental and coastal management, for the purposes of promoting an enabling environment for the adoption of IRM.
    TRAJECTORY 2: National government agencies, local government units and multi-stakeholder alliances and platforms mainstream IRM in inclusive planning guidelines, local development plans and landscape-wide, multi-stakeholder alliance plans.
    TRAJECTORY 4: Increase access of target LGUs and CSOs to different funding opportunities that support IRM initiatives

  • Philippine Development Project // Ca-AnAk Project

    March 2017 - March 2022

    Total Budget: CAD 4,618,644 (approx 110,828,553.00)
    Funding Partner: Canadian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Intermediate Outcome 1: Improved capacity of the HQ and the 3 chapters in disaster response. Intermediate outcome 2: improved the chapter’s capacity to deliver service. Intermediate outcome 3: improved disaster preparedness and health prevention practices of community members

  • Typhoon Nina Recovery Program in Bato, Catanduanes

    March 2017 - December 2017

    Total Budget: PHP 7,429,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • Inclusive DRR Project in Taguig City

    June 2017 - June 2019

    Total Budget: AUD 450,000.00
    Funding Partner: EAustralian Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result:

  • Marawi Crisis Operations: Extended Response-Early Recovery Operation

    July 2017 - March 2018

    Total Budget: PHP 1,248,200.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross, Qatar Red Crescent Society, Spanish Red Cross
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result:

  • Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Cebu

    August 2017 - August 2021

    Total Budget: PHP 14,812,686.00
    Funding Partner: Japanese Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: To contribute to the safety and resilience of targeted communities in times of disasters and through an enhanced PRC service delivery

  • Forecast-based Financing in the Philippines - Closing the Gap between Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Relief (FbF)

    August 2017- July 2020

    Total Budget: EUR 909,216.45
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Contribute to the reduction of humanitarian consequences of extreme weather events on the affected population in high risk areas

  • Surigao Earthquake Recovery Programme

    August 2017 - October 2017

    Total Budget: PHP2,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: Qatar Red Crescent Society
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: Provision of recovery support to approximately 117 families in terms of shelter assistance through cash transfer programming

  • Strengthening capacity for Conflict-sensitive Preparedness in Vulnerable Communties in Mindanao (Consent DRR)

    August 2017 - December 2019

    Total Budget: EUR 639,300.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Contribute to strengthened capacities for prearedness and risk mitigation for natural and human-indued hazards in Mindanao

  • Capacity Building Support through RCAT Framework (RCAT II)

    December 2017 - September 2020

    Total Budget:PHP 14,296,112.20
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: To maintain and develop PRC's operational response capacity nationwide, by strengthening PRC's response teams, providing necessary trainings, adapted equipment, and application of volunteer management guidelines

  • Marawi Crisis Recovery

    December 2017 - October 2018

    Total Budget: PHP 30,076,394.60
    Funding Partner: ICRC
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • Typhoon Vinta Operations (Emergency)

    December 2017 - 2018

    Total Budget: EUR 639,300.00
    Funding Partner:
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Contribute to strengthened capacities for prearedness and risk mitigation for natural and human-indued hazards in Mindanao

  • DPRR Unit Capacity Enhancement

    January 2018 - December 2020

    Total Budget: PHP 12,368,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: To contribute to the development and improvement of the Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction (DPRR) unit programs of DMS in order to achieve its goals as reflected in PRC Strategy 2017-2020 and in the operationalization of the PRC Community Safe and Resilient Framework

  • Recovery Intervention for Typhoon Vinta (Tembin) Affected Families

    February 2018 – March 2019

    Total Budget: CHF 314,669.83
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to People Affected by Typhoon Tembin (Vinta)

    February 2018 – March 2020

    Total Budget: EUR 80,000.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: To address the immediate humanitarian needs of the families affected by Typhoon Vinta in Lanao del Norte.
    R1: 125 families are provided with SRA
    R2: Basic water supply infrastructure like hand pumps and spring boxes for 125 families have been repaired and NFI (Hygiene Kits) are distributed

  • Strengthening Recovery Preparedness for Future Mega Disasters: Development of Urban Recovery Framework

    February 2018 – April 2019

    Total Budget: PHP 1,826,592.00
    Funding Partner: Norwegian Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: To support PRC in strengthening urban recovery capacity for future mega urban disasters. Linked to global objective of Norwegian Red Cross Recovery Framework and tat of IFRC urban roadmap

  • Typhoon Vinta Recovery

    February 2018 – May 2018

    Total Budget: USD 300,000
    Funding Partner: Qatar Red Crescent Society
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • Mayon Volcano Eruption Operation Emergency Response

    February 2018 - June 2018

    Total Budget:
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Marawi Crisis Operations Extended Emergency Response

    February 2018 – October 2018

    Total Budget: USD 122,231.25
    Funding Partner: Kuwait Red Crescent Society
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: - provision of 1 water tanker unit for PRC Lanao del Sur-Marawi Chapter
    - provision of 1 ambulance unit for PRC Lanao del Sur-Marawi Chapter
    - provision of financial assistance and support to PRC on the Marawi Crisis Operations for the operational costs including staffing, volunteer mobilization, warehousing, shipment of goods, and administrative cost
    - provision of 1,000 sets of Food Items (Ramadan food packs)
    - support for supplies and documentation

  • Mayon Volcano Operation Emergency Response

    February 2018 – October 2018

    Total Budget: USD 200,516.67
    Funding Partner: Kuwait Red Crescent Society
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: To support displaced families inside evacuation centers brought about by the Mayon Volcano eruptions on the emergency to early recovery phase

  • Views from the Frontline (VFL)

    March 2018 - July 2018

    Total Budget: USD 5,150
    Funding Partner: Center for Disaster Preparedness
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: To strengthen the inclusion and collaboration between government's, at-risk people and civil society in the design and implementation of policies and practices to reduce disaster risk and strengthen resilience- as advocated by Sendai and related frameworks

  • Tropical Storm Urduja Recovery Project

    March 2018 - November 2018

    Total Budget: PHP 4,362,960.00
    Funding Partner: Chinese Embassy
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • The Mayon Volcano Eruption Response Programme

    March 2018 - December 2018

    Total Budget: USD 200,000.00
    Funding Partner: Republic of Korea
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: 1. Procurement of Ambulace with repirator and ventilator
    2. Procurement of water tanker
    3.Construct toilets in the schools (5 cubicle toilet facilities to identified evacuation centers
    4. Provision of 3000 Schools kits

  • Ramadhan Food Packs 2018

    May 2018 - July 2018

    Total Budget: USD 54,795.00
    Funding Partner: Qatar Red Crescent Society
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: - Provision of 2,000 sets of Ramadhan food packs intended for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) that are currently existing due to the effect of the crisis in Marawi
    - Provision of financial assistance and support to PRC on the Marawi Crisis Operation for the operational costs including staffing, volunteer mobilization, warehousing, shipment of goods, and administrative costs
    - Support for supplies and documentation such as visibility, office supplies, and etc.

  • Post-Haiyan DRR Project in Northern Cebu

    June 2018 - September 2019

    Total Budget: EURO 60,366
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Result 1 With the support of PRC, the Barangays have incorporated the VCA outputs into the BDRECRM and MDRECRM Plans and improved their early warning system
    Result 2 The newly established PRC Bogo branch has improved disaster response capacities.

  • Uswag Pa Leyteno (UPL)

    July 2018 - December 2020

    Total Budget: USD 2,382,457.00
    Funding Partner: American Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Communities and households in Haiyan affected areas are more resilient to natural hazards while Leyte Chapter is better managed and able to provide services to the most vulnerable

  • Cash Preparedness Initiative

    July 2018 - December 2019

    Total Budget: CHF 44,300
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: PRC has complementary response mechanisms to rapidly meet the immediate needs of disaster affected communities including cash transfers alongside food and in-kind support.

  • 2018 Southwest Monsoon Operations

    August 2018 - October 2018

    Total Budget: CHF 58,400
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Typhoon Ompong Recovery Project

    September 2018 - September 2020

    Total Budget: CHF 1,385,752.55
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS/ DREC
    Project Result:

  • Emergency Intervention for families affected by Tropical Storm Mangkhut (Ompong) in Affacted Provinces

    September 2018 - October 2018

    Total Budget: USD 100,000.00
    Funding Partner: Qatar Red Crescent Society
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: 1. Provision of Shelter Tool Kits
    2. provision of non-food items (blankets, hygiene kits, tarpaulined, Jerry Can, mosquito nets.
    3. Logistical Support to support the transportation including shipment of relief items
    4. Human Resource to support for the deployment of Project staff including volunteer mobilization cost
    5. Support for supplies and documentation such as visibility, office equipment and supplies etc.

  • Early Recovery Intervention with Communities Affected by Typhoon Ompong in the Province of Ilocos Sur

    November 2018 - September 2019

    Total Budget: Php 10,292,000.00
    Funding Partner: Spanish Red Cross (back donor: Danish Red Cross)
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result:

  • Typhoon Ompong Recovery Project

    January 2019 - May 2020

    Total Budget: USD 299,998.02
    Funding Partner: Korean Embassy
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: To provide recovery assistance to affected families of Typhoon Ompong in Isabela. Restart livelihood activities of target 750 most vulnerable families.

  • Virtual Reality based Disaster Resilience Training

    May 2019 - December 2019

    Total Budget: Korean Red Cross Society / APDRC
    Funding Partner:
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Improved participants knowledge on appropriate safety measures during emergencies such as proper evacuation, proper use of fire extinguisher and life vest.

  • Typhoon Ompong Recovery Project

    July 2019 - January 2020

    Total Budget: USD 125,000.00
    Funding Partner: Kuwait Red Cross
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: 1) To provide strengthened and diversed/ restored livelihood activities of target 500 most vulnerable family. (2) Provision of clean water supply.

  • Strengthening of Response Capacities of the Philippine Red Cross towards Metro Manila Earthquakes

    August 2019 - July 2021

    Total Budget: EURO 338,681.00
    Funding Partner: German Red Cross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: Overall Goal: Reduction of adverse effects of a major earthquake and of other disasters on the people in Metro Manila Specific objective: Improvement of joint response capacity of Philippine Red Cross and its partners by enhancement of the contingency planning quality and by joint functional exercising (in a simulation of deployment of PRC Emergency Medical Unit Type 2 – Emergency Field Hospital -EFH-) Result 1: Strengthened and aligned response capacity through joint functional exercising and learning. Result 2 - Increased actors’ capacities and awareness of preparedness and response gaps.

  • Batanes Earthquake Emergency Response

    August 2019 - October 2019

    Total Budget: CHF 100,032.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC (DREF)
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Mindanao Earthquake - Medianoche Food Packages Distribution

    October 2019 - February 2020

    Total Budget: In-kind donation
    Funding Partner: Rise Against Hunger
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Provision of Rice Package Donation support for 1,508 families

  • Mindanao Earthquake - Food Packages Distribution

    October 2019 - December 2020

    Total Budget: PHP 1,000,000.00
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Provision of 1000 Food Items

  • Typhoon Tisoy Emergency Response (DREF)

    November 2019 - December 2020

    Total Budget: CHF 499,719.00 / approx. Php 25,485,669.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Typhoon Ursula (phanfone) Emeregency Response

    December 2019 - December 2020

    Total Budget: CHF 440,000.00/approx. Php 24,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Taal Volcano Eruption

    January 2020 - May 2020

    Total Budget: CHF 201,000 / approx. 10,251,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result:

  • Implementation of ECHO action Responsive humanitarian Action to people affected by the Taal Volcano Erution in the Philippines

    January 2020 - July 2020

    Total Budget: 628,934.58 EUR (approx. 35.2 M PHP)
    Funding Partner: SRC (Contract holder) / GRC (partner)
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE: To preserve life and alleviate suffering of people affected by the TAal Volcano eruption. SPECIFIC OBEJECTIVE: To provide responsive and dignified solutions for protection and coverage of essential needs (basic needs, shelter and WASH related) of vulnerable people displaced by the Taal Volcano eruption. RESULTS: R1: Improved living conditions of displaced people. R2: Ensured access to well-maintained water services and sanitation facilities. R3: Provided spaces and mechanisms of protection and psychosocial support for children and adults. R4: Covered basic needs of families with higher exposure to vulnerabilty.

  • Community Readiness In Bicol (CRIB)

    January 2020 - December 2021

    Total Budget: PHP 37,988,463.12 / USD 744, 871.33
    Funding Partner: AmCross
    Program Links: DPRR
    Project Result: OBJECTIVE 1: Individuals and communities build their knowledge of disasters and vulnerabilities; self-organize and take individual and collective actions to establish a culture of preparedness and reinforce their networks and connectedness
    OBJECTIVE 2: Philippines Red Cross Catanduanes Branch have mechanisms in place to provide efficient, effective and timely assistance to affected and at-risk populations

  • Mindanao Earthquake in Cotobato and Davao Del Sur

    Total Budget: CHF 440,000.00/approx. Php 24,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: ICRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: 1. Provision of family tents with 2 tarps each tent (500 families) 2. Provision of tarps and shelter toolkits 3. Shelter Assistance Operational Support

  • Taal Volcano Eruption Recovery Support

    May 2020 - December 2020

    Total Budget: PHP10,000,000.00/ USD 200,000.00
    Funding Partner: Korean Embassy
    Program Links: DREC
    Project Result: General Objective: Families in targeted areas have improved their income sources Specific:
    1. Target Families have restored their livelihood activity through provision of conditiona lcash grant
    2. Target Families have incresed awarenes of financial rsk and are able to mitigate
    3. Target families have increased awareness of financial risk and are able to mitigate
    4. individuals and communities build their knowledge of disasters and vulnerabilities; self organize and take individual and collecive actions to establish culture of preparedness and reinforce their networks and connections. TARGET: Batangas: 470 HH- HLA (2,350 individuals) 2 communities for CMLP Welfare Kits: Batangas, Cavite, Laguna Food Truck: NHQ

  • Food and Cash based Assistance in Response to COVID-19 Emergency Response for Visayas Area

    July 2020 - December 2020

    Total Budget: PHP 42, 010,980.00 (Anchored to PHD project)
    Funding Partner: AmCross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: 1. Relief assistance both in kind and cash based intervention: (a) CEBU: Food and MPCG- 2,345; MPCG- 3000; CCG/ RC 143 Recruitment- 500 (b) LAPU LAPU: Food and MPCG- 90; MPCG- 500; CCG/ RC 143 Recruitment- 200 (c) Leyte: Food and MPCG- 50 MPCG- 800; CCG/ RC 143 Recruitment- 500 (d) WESTERN SAMAR; Food and MPCG- 36; MPCG- 500; CCG/ RC 143 Recruitment- 300 TOTAL: 8,820 2. Capacity Building: Procurement of Equipment Laptop for cash Team (3 Units); ODK Phone (30 Units) BEN CARDS- 20,000 pcs

  • Dignifying families affected by Typhoon Ulysses (DeFeat)-U

    October 2020 - 44407 2021

    Total Budget: EUR 273,480.00 (est. PHP 15,861,840.00)S
    Funding Partner: NLRC
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Immediate relief assistance through. Food items to 3100 familes (Alcala- 100; Cagayan - 1000, Isabela- 2000).NFI (Kitchen Sets) to 1000 families- Procurement/ replenishmentUnconditional Cash grants(MPCG) to 2500 families (Cagayan- 600; Alcal- 500; Isabela -1000; Quezon- 200) in Luzon Province by Typhoon Ulysses.

  • Typhoon Goni (Rolly) Response Operation

    44515 2020 - February 2021

    Total Budget: USD 50,000.00S
    Funding Partner: Amcross
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Cash Assistance (MPCG): 600HH

  • Securing and Distributing Food Bastkets for the poorest families in Marawi City

    November 2020 - October 2021

    Total Budget: Php 25,240,613.27 (USD 495,865.00)
    Funding Partner: King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center
    Program Links: DRECS
    Project Result: Project Objectives: This project aims to meet the food needs of up to 1,000 families (5,000 individuals) in Mindanao that are affected by armed conflict in Marawi. Working in close coordination with government, HCT, ICRC and key stakeholders, this operation is expected to have a significant impact on assisting the unmet needs of some of the most vulnerable household in Mindanao.

  • Typhoon Ulysses Emergency Operations

    December 2020 - February 2021

    Total Budget: Php 18,005.676.00 (CHF 346,263)
    Funding Partner: IFRC (DREF)
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: CASH 1000 Families NFI (full Set) 2000 NFI (SK) 700 families Activity Cost (Health, Welfare, WASH, ERU/WASAR/ Clearing, Safety, Education, Logistics, Assessment, OPeration snad Chapter Mobilization, M7E Ops and Admin Cost

  • Typhoon Maring Operations

    December 2021 - April 2022

    Total Budget: CHF 440,000.00/approx. Php 24,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC (DREF)
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result:

  • COVID-19 Emergency Response: Food Assistance

    2021 -

    Total Budget: CHF 440,000.00/approx. Php 24,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: Hongkong Friends
    Program Links: DRCS
    Project Result: Food Items : 275 families

  • Typhoon Bopha Emergency Appeal Operation

    - October 2014

    Total Budget: CHF 440,000.00/approx. Php 24,000,000.00
    Funding Partner: IFRC
    Program Links: DRCS/DREC
    Project Result: Food Items : 275 families